Women's Drug Rehab in Indianapolis

Women's Drug Rehab in Indianapolis

Although research agencies like Harvard Medical School have reported that men are more susceptible to addiction than women, they've also reported studies that demonstrate how women are more vulnerable to health risks associated with addiction than men. In fact, when it comes to alcoholism, women are more likely to die from liver disease than men. Yet unfortunately, women are less likely to seek treatment at women's drug rehab in Indianapolis for their addiction -- which can have life-threatening consequences.

Gender-specific treatment could help you conquer your addiction for good. Call (877) 804-1531 for more information on how Indianapolis substance abuse rehab centers can help.

Women and Addiction

The single biggest reason why women are less likely than men to seek addiction treatment is because of their child care responsibilities. Women's drug rehab and other types of addiction treatment programs require a substantial time commitment that many women struggle to make because they have children to care for and may be struggling to hold down their job or manage other household responsibilities. Experts have also suggested that some women's low self-esteem can affect their willingness to seek and complete a women's drug rehab program.

Why Do Women Turn to Drugs or Alcohol?

Research indicates that women often turn to drugs or alcohol because they have suffered a physical or psychological trauma. Grief or even a mental disorder like anxiety or depression can trigger a woman to abuse an addictive substance. Because women are twice as likely to suffer from mental conditions like depression, there is a high rate of co-existing disorders among female addiction sufferers.

Benefits of Women's Drug Rehab

Gender-based addiction treatment programs can be highly successful for treating addiction sufferers. Women face their own particular obstacles when it comes to addiction recovery. Indianapolis recovery programs target the issues that often lead women to abuse drugs or alcohol. It addresses her role as caregiver, for instance, and her need for self improvement and emotional growth. Through intensive outpatient therapy, for instance, women can obtain the treatment they need while still living at home where they may be need to care for their family. Women's addiction treatment underscores women's specific needs, which is why it can be such a positive experience for female addiction sufferers once they enter a program and begin to experience the benefits of addiction recovery.

After treatment is complete, women are encouraged to attend a local Alcoholics (http://www.indyaa.org/) or Narcotics Anonymous (http://www.naindiana.org/ShowArea.php?iAreaID_req=2) meeting. Don't let addiction take over your life. Call (877) 804-1531 for information on women's rehab programs offered by Indianapolis medical detox treatment centers today!

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